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Comment Policy Summary
- Moderation
Naturally, internet debates will happen and that's understandable. Opinions are fine and criticism is more than welcome – The key is to be tactful with your approach.
It's actually quite simple -- just be a good person.
Our moderators and community managers use that one simple line as a guiding philosophy to what is okay and what isn't on our sites whether it is comments, quick-posts or blogs.
If you need deeper clarification for what this means, you can find further details below, but know these guidelines are not to be interpreted verbatim by the user and our mods will use these guidelines as they see applicable to a given situation. If you're unsure if something might get you in trouble, feel free to contact us at www.subsea.systems/contact
Here's how to be excellent and avoid comment deletions or getting banned:
- No hate speech or flaming.
This includes racist, sexist, gendered, ableist, ageist, homophobic and transphobic slurs and language of any sort.
Think you can dump on someone of a particular faith? Bzzzzt, wrong. Want to dispense medical advice without a license? Not happening here.
We also think rape jokes and the people who tell them should seek counseling. Don't go there. In fact, it's best to avoid those topics altogether.
- Harassment, dog-piling and gas-lighting will not be tolerated
Toward our community members or staff. Additionally, the forum will not be a community for degrading each other.
Basically, if you think the internet is your personal playground in which you can push the least of us out because you can't share a hobby, we will show you the door. Using the internet to vent is one thing, but if you're here to be perpetually miserable to others or neg on every topic discussed, you won't be here long.
Remember: That handle and avatar on the internet is a real human being like you with a life, problems, favorite game genres, foods and opinions that are more varied than a pack of Skittles. If you're not willing to taste the rainbow and get along with it, then you will be banned.
- Keep on-topic in site reviews
Respect within the community by keeping things focused and allowing people to ask their questions so the reviewer can respond to them without getting dragged off-topic. Having a good time, making jokes and sharing fair criticisms is fine, but be respectful.
- Do not impersonate staff
Don’t portray yourself as one when you are not and don't make "official" events without approval from staff first.
Our community has unofficial groups, so making them official without approval from staff means we can get connected to problems and drama we don't cause. That's no fun for anybody. We appreciate your enthusiasm and welcome increased participation, but be sensible and label unofficial joints as such.
- Every interpretation of spamming is prohibited.
This means no unauthorized advertisements, links to any kind of online gambling, game currency sellers, follower sellers, self-promotion of mobile games, YouTube channels or unsanctioned crowdfunding, fundraising campaigns and charity efforts** are to be posted in comments, blogs or quick-posts. If they are found they will be deleted without notice.
Accounts posting spam will be banned. Additionally, repeat offenders will get blacklisted.
(**Note: If you have a fundraiser for a legitimate cause, please contact the site’s admin to get it pre-approved. Posting it without notice will result in a ban.)
- We may play host to NSFW or spoiler-ish content at times, but only with proper advance warning and context. We report on games and content or merchandise related to them, after all, and this site is meant for adults
That said, we suggest you maintain similar warnings and context in your quick-posts and blogs if you are going to post such content. Keep in mind we have users that may be browsing from work or college and not every users settings are the same as your own.
(FYI - it is not advised to even be on this website during work hours)
- Do not post pornographic or gory JPEGs, GIFs or YouTube links in front page Disqus comments, ever, though. That's instaban stuff.
- Maliciously posting pornographic, gory content or story spoilers when other users have told you to stop will be grounds for a ban.
- Do not use other people's work (written, video, drawn or any other method of plagiarizing - copyrighted or trademarked) and present it as your own.
www.subseaog.com © 2024